
The SMS Addon + Admin Secure


This is a great addon for WHMCS that allows you to send automated sms message to your clients on defined actions, Such as when they register, place a new order, change their password, complete payment, etc..
You can even send the a custom define sms or mass sms messages in the addon control panel.
This addon will make your company look more professional, and can remind them all important customers when there invoice are due!


  • Automated SMS messages on actions (such as client registration and domain expiry)
  • Fully customisable SMS templates
  • Manually send individual clients a SMS (with AJAX search)
  • Mass SMS to clients using selective filters
  • Allow clients to choose if they want to receive SMS from you
  • SMS Log to track errors with up to date API info (from SMS callback)
  • Tag Support, eg.{firstname} - Further personalise the SMS
  • Automatic Unicode Support
  • Multiple SMS gateway support (Based on clients country)
  • SMS API - Integrate the SMS Addon directly into your own script with a few line of code!
  • Safe Times: SMS scheduling, never wake a client up in the middle of the night!
  • Automatic client country code prefixing
  • SMS statistics + Widget

Supported Gateways

  • 3sms
  • Africa's Talking
  • Clickatell
  • ExtraTxt
  • Infobip
  • MessageBird
  • Nexmo
  • Openvoip
  • playSMS
  • SMS API (.pl/.com)
  • SMS Global
  • SMS Achariya (
  • SpLmPost
  • Telenor
  • Text Marketer
  • Yasser
  • Custom Dev Kit
  • 3sms
  • Africa's Talking
  • Clickatell
  • ExtraTxt
  • Infobip
  • MessageBird
  • Nexmo
  • Openvoip
  • playSMS
  • SMS API (.pl/.com)
  • SMS Global
  • SMS Achariya (
  • SpLmPost
  • Telenor
  • Text Marketer
  • Yasser
  • Custom Dev Kitrr

What is Admin Secure?

Admin Secure is a brand new function in the add-on, it seamlessly integrates with the SMS add-on to provide extra security for your admin directory.

  • Automatically rename admin directory after x days and receive notification of the change
  • Receive notifications when a administrator logs in with an unrecognised IP
  • Two-Factor Authentication for Clients or Admins via SMS


Reviews, Changelog & Documentation


You guys are rock! We have receive so much positive feedback since we use The SMS Addon. Expand our communication with clients. Are amazing to see the confirmation texts they get to their phone anytime anywhere. Really efficient. Good job Daniel!

Cemty LLC

To be the best, we only partnership with the best. SMS addon is something that catched our eyes.

AtHost59 Web Services LLC

WHMCSnow's SMS Add-on has worked superbly with our WHMCS installation. Our customers are amazed at the confirmation texts they get when they pay their bill or receive a support ticket reply. It really separates us from the other mom & pop hosting providers, SMS confirmations are something really only seen in bigger corporations. Coming from a background in celluar service customers EXPECT AND WANT SMS messages sent to their phone. WHMCSnow has enabled us to provide this to our customers and we are excited at the ease of use of this add-on.

Alex England

The SMS Addon has been on tremendous value to our business. Because Australia is in a different timezone to Europe and North America, SMS communication has proven a very useful and cheap way to keep our international clients informed. The feedback from our clients has been great, they love the added dimension of service. Dealing with WHMCSnow has been fantastic, they make the process quick and easy to understand and the actual addon has a much more professional finish to it that some others we have seen. Nice job!

BlueSteam Web Hosting

We have been using the SMS addon for some time now and it has completely turned our business around. Providing SMS support to our clients and keeping them informed has improved our support response times ten fold. WHMCSnow has built an amazingly easy to use and feature rich SMS addon and their support is top notch! I can't believe I ran my business for 6years without this addon. Thanks WHMCSnow :)



Released on 22nd May 2024

  • Added support for ionCube Loader v13 and PHP 8.2
  • Update notifications now shown in admin area


Released on 20th September 2023

  • Bug fixes


Released on 7th July 2023

  • Issue with Mass SMS resolved


Released on 14th November 2022

  • Added support for ionCube Loader v12 and PHP 8.1


Released on 26th September 2022

  • AddTransaction Hook added
  • Logging system update
  • Ability to disable Automatic Customer Country Code


Released on 10th July 2022

  • Bug Fixed

    “Notify field” Override issue fixed


Released on 24th June 2022

  • Bug Fixed

    Signature New Line Issue Fixed
  • Bug Fixed

    Issue where possible to lose settings fixed


Released on 30th May 2022

  • SMS logging improvement
  • Styling updates
  • New

    SMS signatures
  • Updated

    Client search improved
  • New

    Requirement for “Notify field” removed
  • Bug Fixed

    General bug fixes


Released on 17th May 2019

  • Fixed issue with Grace Period in the licensing system


Released on 3rd June 2018

  • Removal of mcrypt encryption in replacement to OpenSSL


Released on 17th April 2018

  • PHP 7.1 & 7.2 Support


Released on 2nd August 2017

  • Global SMS Tags now allowed on Admin actions


Released on 25th June 2017

  • Bug fixes
  • {subtotal} SMS Tag added to invoices


Released on 20th February 2017

  • Now supports built in WHMCS' client phone number
  • Legacy updater images removed in favour of FontAwesome
  • Bug fixes


Released on 17th February 2017

  • Bug fixes


Released on 15th February 2017

  • Empty settings are no longer saved to database, saving storage and parsing performance
  • Default SMS gateway defined if none set and only single SMS gateway active
  • AJAX cache + log improvements
  • ROOTDIR set for SMS proxy
  • v4 -> v5 gateway migration issues fixed


Released on 9th February 2017

  • New

    Enable multiple SMS gateway support
  • Updated

    Advance client country code lookup service
  • Huge code improvements
  • Styling improvements
  • New

    Test API settings button
  • New

    2FA Custom codes / length / expiry (#937997)
  • New

    Clear SMS logs (#419252)
  • Updated

    Improved advanced logging and securely send to WHMCSnow support
  • Updated

    Auto update speed/performance increase


Released on 2nd January 2017

  • Support for PHP 7


Released on 21st March 2016

  • New

    Send SMS directly from Client Summary page
  • New

    Admin Ticket Flagged hook added - Get notified when a ticket is assigned to you
  • Updated

    Certain client actions removed from "Safe Times" (Client Registration, Client Password Change)
  • New

    More advanced logging and securely send to WHMCSnow support
  • Bug Fixed

    Automatic unicode added to Two-Factor Authentication
  • Bug Fixed

    Bug fixed when gateway API returns credit balance of "0"


Released on 30th January 2016

  • Now parses cron's Option Flags to disable SMS's for unneeded duplicate messages
  • Invoice Paid - Now uses "Display Name" instead of shortcode in {paymentgateway} SMS tag
  • Mass SMS - Global SMS tags added to customise bulk messages


Released on 24th November 2015

  • Updated

    Safe Times: SMS scheduling, never wake a client up in the middle of the night!


Released on 28th July 2015

  • Support for WHMCS v6
  • Improved automatic country code prefixing


Released on 18th November 2014

  • Code Improvements
  • UI Improvements
  • Automatic 1-Click Updates
  • SMS API - Integrate the SMS Addon directly into your own script with a few line of code!
  • Safe Times: Automatic SMS Scheduling so you do not wake a client up!
  • API Callbacks: Keep your SMS logs up to date
  • Automatic Unicode
  • UPDATED: Mass Mail - Now create filters (the same as WHMCS' Mass Mail Tool)
  • AJAX search added to Send SMS - Search Client Name, Company, Phone or Email
  • NEW: Admin Secure - Two-Factor Authentication
  • New Client and Admin hooks added
  • Automatic Client Country Codes
  • Additional SMS Tags Added
  • Easier to Setup


Released on 21st September 2014

  • Bug Fixed

    Clickatell SenderID issue resolved - When using spaces
  • Bug Fixed

    Workaround for WHMCS login on Invoice Due Dates


Released on 8th February 2014

  • Hot fixes


Released on 27th June 2012

  • Clickatell and SMS Global add-on's merged together
  • GUI Improvements
  • Global tag support added
  • Ability to format date tag
  • Client selection tidy up
  • Improved logging system
  • Improved unicode integration
  • More actions
  • Administrator actions now available
  • Improved debugging system
  • New database structure
  • Improved licensing functions
  • Version checker + updater
  • SMS statistics + Widget
  • Introduction of Admin Secure


Released on 9th April 2012

  • Mobile number input verification
  • Style updates
  • Bug fixes


Released on 2nd March 2012

  • Licensing Bug fixed
  • Few general improvements


Released on 28th January 2012

  • Unicode Support (experimental)
  • Tag Support, eg. {firstname}
  • SMS messages for Invoice Reminder and Invoice Overdue
  • Recode for new addon module system


Released on 12th April 2010

Initial Release

Getting Started

Installation / Upgrading

Installing The SMS Addon is very simple. The following steps will guide you through the process:
  1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer
  2. Upload the contents into the WHMCS directory
  3. Continue with Initial Setup

Initial Setup

Once all the files have been uploaded on the server follow the following instructions to get the module activated for use.
  1. From within the WHMCS admin panel click Setup > Addon Modules
  2. Activate the module titled SMS Addon
  3. Scroll down to the settings titled SMS Addon and enter the following settings
    • SMS Gateway: Select the SMS provider you wish to use
    • Access Control: Ticket what administrator roles you wish to have access to the addon
  4. Click the Save Changes button
  5. Continue with Custom Client Fields

Custom Client Fields

To be able to send SMS messages to the client we need a few custom clients fields what are details entered when the client registers.
  1. From within the WHMCS admin panel click Setup > Custom Client Fields
  2. Enter the following custom fields shown in the picture below
  3. Click the Save Changes button
  4. Continue with Addon Settings

Addon Settings

Once the addon has been installed it is time to configure the WHMCS integration and customised messages.
To access these settings click Addons > SMS Addon > Settings > General Settings
  1. Select the Custom Client Fields options as setup in the previous step
  2. In the Notify True Field selection, select the option the client must select to send a SMS
  3. Under Client Actions / Admin Actions you can set wether you wish a message to be sent out for each action,
  4. You can also customise each message what will be sent for that action, messages can be customised with sms tags as described below

Cron File

A cron file is included within the main directory of the addon which is a replacement for the standard WHMCS cron.

This only needs to be used when using the Directory re-namer function included in Admin Secure as the default cron file is contained within the admin directory which is renamed.

This cron file operates as a dynamic 'shortcut' to the cron file contained within the admin directory.


SMS Tags

Tags are a new feature of the addon, This allow you to personalise the SMS even more with client details.
The following tags are included in the module, each action has there own tags assigned to them.

Global Tags
  • {fullname}
  • {firstname}
  • {lastname}
  • {clientemail}
Client Registration
  • {password}
Password Change
  • {newpassword}
Invoice Created
  • {invoiceid}
  • {total}
  • {datecreated}
  • {datedue}
  • {currency_prefix}
  • {currency_suffix}
Invoice Paid
  • {invoiceid}
  • {paymentmethod}
  • {total}
  • {datecreated}
  • {datepaid}
  • {currency_prefix}
  • {currency_suffix}
Invoice Reminder
Invoice Overdue
  • {invoiceid}
  • {datecreated}
  • {datedue}
  • {total}
  • {currency_prefix}
  • {currency_suffix}
Module Created
Module Unsuspend
Module Password Change
  • {serviceid}
  • {domain}
  • {username}
  • {password}
Module Suspend
  • {serviceid}
  • {domain}
  • {username}
  • {password}
  • {suspendreason}
Domain Registration
Domain Transfer
Domain Renewal
  • {domain}
  • {registrar}
  • {regperiod}
Domain Renewal Notices
  • {domain}
  • {expiredays}
  • {duedate}
Support Ticket Opened
Support Ticket Reply
  • {ticketid}
  • {ticketref}
  • {subject}
  • {message}
  • {deptname}
  • {priority}
  • {status}
New Order Received
  • {orderid}
  • {ordernumber}
  • {totaldue}
Fraud Order
  • {orderid}
Cancellation Request
Admin Cancellation Request
  • {type}
  • {reason}
Affiliate Activation
  • {affiliatelink}
Two-Factor Authentication
  • {twofactor}
Domain Registration Failed
Domain Transfer Failed
Domain Renewal Failed
  • {domain}
  • {registrar}
  • {regperiod}
  • {error}
Admin Secure-New Admin IP
  • {ip}
  • {admin}
Admin Secure-New Admin Directory
  • {newadmindir}
Support Ticket Flagged
  • {ticketid}
  • {ticketref}
  • {subject}
  • {priority}
  • {status}

Client Profile Intergration

If you would like to add a sms button to each client summary page then using a FTP client edit the following file.

admin / templates / (template name) / clientssummary.tpl

Find the location which you would like to place the link (I choose the Send Email box) and add the following code,

<a href="addonmodules.php?module=sms_addon&page=sendsms&cid={$clientsdetails.userid}">Send SMS Message</a>

Example Code

Example Output



  1. Regiser an Clickatell Central API account with Clickatell - Click here
  2. Login, Navigate to "Manage my Products" and add a new HTTP connection
  3. Enter Description and click "Add"
  4. Under "My Settings", click "Manage Senders IDs", "Add sender ID", Now fill in the details you would like the message to be sent from
    Note: They need to approve this before it can be used

SMS Global

  1. Register for an account at SMS Global - Click here

Pricing Option

Free Trial

7 Days







* Owned Licenses include 1 Year Support & Updates access with the initial purchase.

After the first year, support & updates access can be optionally renewed to maintain access at a cost of just £9.99 per year.